Here is how to configure your Instamic Pro Plus C as an external wireless microphone with your GoPro 12.

Your Instamic's audio will be embedded into your video. No need to sync the audio in post :)

NOTE We always recommend upgrading your Pro Plus to the latest firmware.

Upgrade procedure here.

Let's start

1. Launch the Instamic Remote application and select Bluetooth Microphone on the Home page.

2. Tap to connect on the Connect Page and check that Hands-Profile Mode is activated

Your Instamic is now configured as a Hands-Free Profile device and it will retain its configuration at every boot (with or without connecting to the app)

3. Long tap on the unit to disconnect.

IMPORTANT NOTE. We highly recommend disconnecting from our app to reduce stress on the Bluetooth Connection and improve the audio streaming quality.

4. Turn the GoPro 12 on and open the camera Dashboard

5. Access the Pair Device option on page 2 of the camera Dashboard. Tap on it.


6. Instamic will appear under Devices :-) 

If you have renamed your Instamic from our app, it will show as its custom name.

7. Tap on it and your Instamic is connected directly to the GoPro 12 camera wire-free :)

You are ready to record!

8. Press the Instamic button on the unit to start streaming audio to the camera.

The LEDs will become red and act as a VU meter. 

You can start and stop streaming audio anytime even while the camera is recording. 

The Instamic button behaves as a mute / un-mute button, independent from the video recording.


a. Best configuration for the best sound quality

1. Once you have configured Instamic as a Bluetooth Microphone from the Home Page of our mobile app, we recommend connecting Instamic directly to the GoPro camera, without using our mobile application.

You can press the button on the unit to start and stop the audio feed to the camera, independently from the video recording on your GoPro.

Every time you turn your Instamic on, it will keep the same configuration (Bluetooth Microphone) and the GoPro camera will connect automatically to Instamic every time you turn it on. Cool right!

b. Adjusting the input gain

Using our application might come in handy when you want to adjust the input gain if the input level is too low or too high.

If you want to do that, follow these simple steps:

1. Select Bluetooth Microphone on the Home Page. Press Ok.

2. Tap to connect to the unit on the Connect Page

3. Tap on the unit again or on the Microphone icon to jump to the Capture Page.

4. You will be prompted to pair your Instamic to the phone. Press Ok.

This option has been designed to use Instamic as an external microphone with your phone when capturing audio or video with 3rd party video apps.

For this specific application, we won't pair it with the phone but with the camera.

5. Press the Rec button to enable the audio streaming on the Capture Page OR press the button on the unit.

Your Instamic is now streaming its audio feed straight to the device that you will pair it to.

Instamic is streaming or recording every time you see the LEDs acting as a VU meter. When in standby mode, the LEDs show the battery level (3 full LEDs means fully charged).

Check the VU meter on the app to adjust the gain with the gain fader or tap on the input gain value (blue rectangle) to access all gain presets.

6.  Go to the Connect Page and long-tap on the unit to disconnect.

We recommend connecting Instamic directly to the camera without using our app.


If you are experiencing some audio distortion, here are some solutions:

a. Connect Instamic directly to the GoPro camera and disconnecting from our application.

b. If you are willing to use our app, stop the streaming from the app (or by pressing the Instamic's button) and start it again. 


c. If you are willing to use our app while streaming to the camera, lower the input gain from our app (by default is 10db) all the way down to -79db and back to 10db, until you can see that the VU meter on the app is acting normally and not clipping anymore (full scale to red or all 3 LEDs are on). It was a bug reported on old units but solved with firmware releases.

d. Make sure that Instamic is configured as below:

   - Auto-gain off

   - Rec mode 24-bit Mono

   - Bit depth 48kHz

#happyrecording #wearestorytellers

Michele and the Instamic Team

For any further questions, we are happy to help at

Happy recording,

Michele Baggio